Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

etna wont budge

Posted by Hippobean at 7:36 AM
The whole area was wet. Clouds covered the volcano as we made our way to refugio Sapienza. Fog and pouring rain. T's plans to summit went to nothing. Absolutely no views of Etna. Major Disappointment. Yesterday we admired fantastic views of Etna, towering clearly before our eyes and we spent a good time admiring it.

Mount Etna

Today, she chose to hide herself and absolutely refused to let us scale it. So we just muck around the refugio, and had to settle to just climb to a few nearby craters.

Crateri Silvestri

Lava rocks everywhere. On our way down, we saw a house covered by lava almost up to its roof. Tomo went in and said he found a lava lamp!

So back to Taormina to shop. Gorgeous place. My hotel room has wonderful views of the coast and Etna. In pouring rain, we visited the teatro Greco and had a picnic lunch there. The theater had a broken wall behind the stage that offered great views of the sea.

Greek Theater - Taormina

Strolling thro Corso Umberto lined with shops on both sides and occasional squares that break the monotony of this long main drag. Each square was more fantastic than the last, with its own church and fountain. Found the internet cafe where I'm posting this. I love this town although touristy.

We had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant close to our hotel the Sole Castello, and walked up to the Saracene fortress. It was closed but we had great views of Taormina sprawling down the side of the hill and Castelmola high above, lite by flood lights.

Taormina at night

Tomorrow to Agrigento! Hope weather improves.

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